The Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Bro. Peter Connolly and Mrs. Lynn Connolly joined Southport Mark Masons to present Garden Equipment to the Spinal Unit on Weld Road, Southport.

Mark and RAM Lodges in Southport had donated £1,270.00 to the project over the last 15 months and were delighted when the West Lancs. Mark Charity Committee added another £1000 to the project. This enabled us to provide the following---
1. To widen the footpaths in the garden to enable access for all the residents who now are equipped with Battery Powered Wheelchairs.
2. to provide a new 4 Burner Barbeque.
3. to provide a 3.5 metre diameter cantilever Sunshade.
4. to provide 2 hardwood garden benches for the use of visiting families and friends.


The Home is a Charity and provides a permanent home for people who have suffered severe spinal injuries and are unable to live independently. The Charity is faced with raising some £30,000 each year and its committee was delighted to receive the support of local Mark Masons.


The Residents are now able to make much greater use of the Garden facility and it has been a great pleasure to join them on a couple of their barbeque events.


Southport Mark Masons join me in thanking the Provincial Grand Master and Mrs. Connolly for their support and the Mark Provincial Charity Committee for their generous donation.

W.Bro. Brian Molyneux, Deputy. Ionic Group.